Cisco password recovery

You need to connect via a consol lead and have something like HyperTerm loaded and waiting (8N1)...
  1. Powercycle router
  2. Send a BREAK within 60 seconds
  3. confreg 0x2142 (This resets the router NOT to load startup config)
  4. i (This reboots the router)
  5. Say NO if asked to enter setup mode.
  6. en (enters enable mode)
  7. copy start run (copies the stored startup config to current running config)
  8. conf t (tells the router you're configuring from terminal)
  9. enable secret 'newpassword' (sets new enable secret password)
  10. config-reg 0x2102 (sets this password in conf reg)
  11. copy run start (copies current running config to startup config)
  12. reload (erm, reloads the router)

    That's it.